Some ideas behind what this website is.

Hi, I'm David Lovenburg; a product designer and freelance web designer based in Sacramento, California. I run Dlove and Friends Studio (LLC pending), a studio that crafts bespoke websites for small businesses and persons of interest.


I have an insatiable need to have multiple side projects going on at once, and this blog is a result of that.

I also just really enjoy writing and sharing my thoughts. So this blog is an outlet for both of those needs.


I’m based out of Sacramento, California. But I'm frequent on Instagram. Whether it's some of my designs, writing, or just updates from my life.


Weekly I share all kinds of updates on my life, self reflections, some of my favorite music that week, videos around the internet, what movies and shows I'm watching, and more.


I have always felt very drawn to the idea of sharing my opinions on things in the world. I've felt my whole life nobody ever explained the world to me to I had to do it for myself.

So with all of these bits of epiphanies, I felt the need to record these insights and keep them for myself, sharing them with whoever will read them in the process.

I actually started this blog before, in an early version years ago. To which I would eventually discontinue because I lost motivation for it.

But one day I met with a spiritual medium (this is a true story) and he told me I was destined to share my thoughts with the world and that it’s my calling to do so.

That people can benefit greatly and care about the things I say (I have no idea why).

So fuck it. Who am I to tell the good man he’s wrong.
